Children’s Studies

The study of music has proven to enhance a child’s concentration, mathematical and reading skills, self confidence, performance skills in all walks of life whether its playing the guitar, to public speaking, to playing sports. It helps with left/right brain development from the scientific side to the more esoteric side. Most important it helps with a child’s ability to relax, learn to lower stress and anxiety levels through the playing and the sound they are producing, which helps them to achieve goals with a more relaxed and healthier state. As they progress to song writing, music helps boost their creative skills. Whether gearing your child up for auditions to the school of the arts, or just for your child’s enjoyment, music is a great addition to their development at many levels.

Allowing children to choose music they like captures their interest and gives them the incentive to continue on. Sometimes it is also helpful to have children begin lessons with friends or siblings to make it fun for them and encourage them to continue on. All classes are geared to the individual needs of the students.

If they are looking for a more serious approach for auditions, I will get them prepared to fulfill the needs of any schools entrance requirements, whether it be middle school of the arts, high school of the arts, or even at the college level.